You can filter records in 1 click, create new filters, change columns and set default filters.

Choose a saved filter to filter your records


Click edit to modify / clone current filter

Customizable CRM - edit to modify or clone filter

Click ‘New Filter’ to create new filter from scratch


Click ‘+’ to add new columns. You can also remove and reorder columns.

Customizable CRM - add columns in filter

Filter records by selecting fields and conditions

More details about filters here

All records or only those assigned to user?

Filters are shared with all users. If you select ‘My Records’ instead of ‘All Records’, each user will only see records assigned to him / her, on applying that filter.

Customizable CRM - see own records

To set default filter, click on ‘Set Default’ and save

Customizable CRM - make default filter

To save as new filter, modify the filter and choose ‘Save as new filter’.

Then choose the name of new filter.