You can easily restrict your report to specific records, period or users by adding filters. If you add multiple filters, reporting will be done only on those records that match all filters.
Filters are similar in saved filters as well as reports. The only difference is you can use fields of associated records in reports but not in saved filters.
Select field & it’s condition
Clicking this button will show you the fields of selected table and associated tables. Select the field using which you want to filter. If you chose date / date & time field, skip to next section.
You will see different values of that field in existing records. You can also search for values. Select the values you want to allow in report. Only records that contain one of those values will be included in report and others will be skipped. In case you want to skip records with those values or use another operator like >, < etc, see Advanced Conditions section below.
See reports of specific period – days / weeks / months / years
Often you want to do reporting on records of certain period like Contacts created in last week, Deals won in last 30 days, etc. This can be easily done in CompanyHub. Also, even if you choose relative period (like last 7 days), whenever you will see the report, it will automatically compute the last 7 days and show the report accordingly.
After you select the date field, it will ask you whether you want the period in days (even if you want to choose exact dates, choose this option), weeks, months, quarters or years. So if you want last 3 weeks, select weeks. If you want Jan & Feb or last 6 months, select months. Select as per your needs.
Then it will show you most commonly used periods of that type and actual values from records. So if you chose Months, it will show Jan, Feb etc., along with options like Last Month, Last 6 months etc. Select the period you need. If you want relative period but can’t find it, scroll down and use custom period. It will let you configure last/next X days/weeks/months etc. If you want to choose exact dates from existing records, scroll to bottom. There is a section ‘Exact Match’. Click on load more to get values from database. Select the date values you need.
See reports of specific user
By default every record has 3 fields of user.
Owner – To whom the record is assigned. By default it gets assigned to the one who creates the record.
Created By – Who created the record
Last Modified By – Who modified the record last
You might also have custom fields referring to user.
To filter by user, select the relevant field (most commonly used is Owner). It will show all users. Select the users you want to include in report.
Multiple filters
You might need to apply multiple filters. Like deals closed by users X & Y in last 3 months. So you need 1 filter on Deal Owner and one on Deal Close Date. You can add multiple filters. Reporting will be done only on those records that pass all criteria.
Apply filter on fields of associated records
Along with fields of chosen table, you can also apply filters on fields of associated table. This is possible only in reports, not saved filters. You can scroll down to see associated tables and their fields. Select the field to apply filter.
Can’t find the field you need?
If you do not see the associated table and it’s fields, chosen table might not be having a field of the other table. For example, even though Contact and Company are associated, Company does not have Contact field. Contact has Company field. So when creating report on Contact table, you can use fields of Company. But when creating report on Company, you can’t see fields of Contact (as there can be many Contacts associated with each Company). If you really need, try creating the report on the other table.
Advanced conditions: >, <, not = etc.
You can also apply advanced comparisons, other than =. By default ‘is’ (=) is chosen. To select different comparison, click it, see the available options for that field type and choose the right comparison.
Different field types support different comparisons. For text, you can use ‘starts with’, ‘does not start with’ etc. For numbers, you can use >, < etc.